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Officials’ Webinars

May 20, 2020

For those interested in getting some information on the new rules and the changes from IAAF to World Athletics, and perhaps to look at other disciplines than the one you are already in, take a chance to register for one of the webinars being hosted by various people from the National Official’s Committee.

Information regarding the topics of the webinars is found at this link. The website for registering is:

News Archive

2020 Track and Field Meets Cancelled

< Back To News Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the city closing its facilities, we regret to inform everyone that our 2020 track and field meets have been cancelled at this point. Depending on how long the order from the Provincial Health Officer stays in effect,...

2020 Relay Fest

< Back To NewsDue to the announcement from the Provincial Government about school closures, and the closure of City facilities, we have canceled the 2020 Elementary Relay Fest scheduled for April 1, 2020.Follow UsfacebookinstagramJoinSubscribe For News &...

Important Message Regarding Indoor Practices

< Back To NewsFor those interested in getting some information on the new rules and the changes from IAAF to World Athletics, and perhaps to look at other disciplines than the one you are already in, take a chance to register for one of the webinars being hosted by...

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