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Kamloops Track and Field Club High School Cross Country Meet #3
The third meet in the Kamloops Track and Field High School Cross Country series will take place on October 14 at 4:30 pm. The starting line for this meet will be at the top of the public parking lot on Glenfair Drive (see map below). The course will be approximately 4.5 km long.
Competitors can be in Grades 5-7 (Elementary), Grade 8, Grades 9-10(Junior), and Grades 11-12 (Senior). Registration will be done online on Trackie at http://www.trackiereg.com/2021-kamlxcseriesmeet3. Fees to enter the meet are $10 per person.
Athletes from School District #73 public schools should check with their Principal or their Athletic Director for the code to bypass the fee charged for non-BC Athletic students. This bypass code should be entered in the field where the BCA Membership number is requested.

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